Well, it's Thursday night, one more night and then I am off to go home. It has been nice and somewhat relaxing. We started off going to Lake Tenkiller in Oklahoma to visit with my Mon's side of the family.
We had a great time! The hotel was really nice and had a pool there, so the girls definitely went swimming. We found a nice restaurant called the Smokehouse. It looked like an old farmhouse from the outside with rockers on the front porch. We went in and there were moose heads on the wall, an 8 foot snake skin on the wall, a stuffed bobcat, with all kinds of other stuff, like an old wagon, what we think was either a toilet plunger or butter churner. We aren't quite sure which one it was. They had GREAT food though.
I think the whole family had fun, Craig and Faith cheesing it up for the camera. After we went to Lake Tenkiller, we came back to Texas and went to my sisters Timeshare in Flint, Texas. It was called the Villages. We had two different apartments and the girls went swimming (go figure). It did rain quite a bit the whole time I have been here. But it would clear up for a while. The girls found people to play with. At the club house there was an arcade, pool table, board games, ping pong and miniature golf. We tried to get the girls horseback riding, they told us the wrong days, so they weren't able to do that. Oh well, I think they had a pretty good time.
We did make it out to my great aunt and uncles in Tyler, Texas. She had a stroke a couple of months ago and struggles sometime with her speech. Craig finally go to fish some. He had to buy a pole at Walmart. He said he was going to keep it at my mom and dad's but he ended up liking it enough that he took it home.
There was this bird, that was waiting for Craig to get a fish. He was a big one! I'll post a picture later. After we left the Villages we came home and the next day Craig and the girls left for home. I have been here and enjoying my quiet time. The girls don't seem to miss me to much, but I do think that Craig will be happy that I am home. He might be able to actually go to the gym. LOL
So good to see your family. I didn't know you had a blog! I will be visitng often now!
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