Thursday, October 11, 2007

School, Kids, Home...

Well I took my first practicle in Anatomy and Physiology, and I know I didn't do very well. It is somewhat frustrating to me, but what are you going to do? I haven't been able to devote as much time to it as I would like, with the kids soccar practice, my weekend away which was not the best.

So I will start fresh, and do better. I will just have to stop doing something. It's like I have 3 classes. They are all taking some time during the week and the house is an absolute mess! It kinda grosses me out, but I get tired of yelling at everyone to pick up their stuff. Boy Craig would laugh at that.

Speaking of Craig, he got a MOTORCYCLE! He has been dying to get on lately and he has been saving his money. He looked on ebay and found one. He contacted the guy and bid on it a couple of times but the reserve was never met. After the bid was over and it didn't sell, he called the guy to see if he would take what Craig was offering, and he did. I will post a picture of it here.

Sarah is doing better in school.