Saturday, August 9, 2008

Italian Festival

I know it has been so long since I have blogged!!! Sorry, I have just been getting into making cards, it is my new creative outlet. I figured however that all I was doing is posting cards that I had made on here and some of you may not be that interested so I started another blog strictly for my creations. If you are interested in looking at them you can find them HERE. Anyway on to the Italian Festival.

Last month Craig and I both did the clown thing at the Monmouth County Fair (there aren't any pictures of us, just wanted you guys to get an idea). Anyway we told the girls that we would take them to the fair on Sunday after we did the show with Vince. Well that go rained out, so we told them we would go to the Italian Festival. So Craig and I made sure to save $50 from each of our checks. Now if you know me, that is hard!! When I have money, I can think of all kinds of things I want to spend it on. Anyway, we went last night. And do you have any idea how fast we blew through $100??? We bought a kabob & Lemonade for Faith, a cheesteak for me (wasn't that good) and $20 worth of tickets so they could go on the rides and had like $40 bucks left! I was blown away.

Anyway when we go there they were doing 50/50's which they did every hour. I told Craig to play because he is one lucky S. 0. B. If you know what I mean. He said he didn't feel lucky and didn't want to play well when I was on line for my not so good cheesesteak, I guess he got the lucky feeling because he bought $5 worth of tickets. We were over by the rides when Craig looks at his watch because they were drawing the ticket at 8:00 and tells me he is going to go over to hear the number. They call out the number and I say to myself, I bet you he won. He comes back to where we are all smiles and tells me that sure enough he did win. He won $350!!! CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT!!! I told you he was lucky. I said to him, "We are going to split that right?!" And he said, "No I bought the tickets." To which I responded "yes out of the money we pooled." So we had a great time at the fair, not having to worry about running out of money which was nice for once. And after we came home I had $150!!


Anonymous said...

I miss that fesitval.

Thanks for the beautiful card!! You are so talented!! That was really sweet.