I was recently talking to my dad and he mentioned that my blog had gotten kind of boring without any new pictures. Somehow I have lost my charger for digital camera and I just assumed that it would turn up somewhere. In the past when I couldn't find my camera I COULD find my charger and vice versa.
So a week ago I went and ordered my camera from Radio Shack. $65 and a week later I am back in business. I got it yesterday just in time for Faith's "Lip Sync" performance at her school. I wasn't able to take any pictures of her routine, but I did manage to snap on with her and her girlfriend Francesca who she performed with. They lip synced and danced to Miley Cyrus's "Girls Night Out"
I straightened Faith's hair and put make up on her, can you tell? LOL She is growing up so fast. She has already asked me if I could do her make up for school. She must be crazy if she think she is wearing make up at 10 years old! The performance started at 7 pm and we didn't get out of there until 9:30 pm and they hadn't done the Finale when we left. I was starving as the rest of my clan was, but Faith was torn about going to grab a bite or staying for the Finale. She really wanted to do both, but Craig and I were tired and there is only so much screaming and loud music I can stand. (That made me sound old didn't it?)
Anyway since I have my digital back, I will be taking more pictures. Speaking of which here is one of me and my man.
Very nice! I am NOT surprised little Miss Faith posed such a question about make up and school! I miss the girls.... Tell them I say hello.
Great pictures!
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