Friday, December 11, 2009

Posted by Danisha at 7:06 AM 2 comments
Labels: Memory Box, PTI
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Flash Back

Posted by Danisha at 10:23 PM 0 comments
Labels: Flashback
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas!
OOOH, didn't realize how much bed head he had. HEEHEE
Posted by Danisha at 8:12 PM 0 comments
Labels: Christmas
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Last night Craig and I went to our first session with our pastor concerning the state of our marriage. Things have not been well with us for quite some time. It seems to me that we would get to such a bad place that I could no longer stand it and when I would finally say something we would try to be better and we would for a little while. Lately however, I have found that I am tired of this tiresome cycle that we go through. Vince has been doing a 6 week series about the Sermon on the Mount and I have to say that they have really touched a cord deep within me.
Anyway, Vince asked us what we imagined marriage being about when we got married. I kept my mouth shut (on purpose I might add) because I really wanted Craig to begin. I don't have a problem talking but it just seems like I always take the lead. He started off good but then got into some of the things that I apparently do that disappoint him, and Vince stopped him.
In the end, Vince said that we were both broken. This I knew, but he wants us to look for the broken places so that we can work on those. I have to say that I didn't expect Vince to talk as much as he did, and I have no idea as to what will happen in these sessions, but I hope that we will come out of it in a better place then we are now.
Posted by Danisha at 6:08 PM 2 comments
Labels: Counceling, Marriage
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
A busy weekend
Connor, Amy's son was a volunteer magician! He's not afraid of being in front of people! He was really cute. Later on they had a talent show. Sarah was the first one to sign up. She sang a Hannah Montana song, if I head my head on straight I would have remembered that I can do video too! I could had a little piece to show you. I was really proud of her, she got up there and belted it out and sound good! And I don't just say that because she is my daughter. LOL!
I finally met, Rocco and Michael. They are the gentleman that bought our friends house down the street from us. They moved it a year ago in August and I have never met them. Isn't that horrible!! Anyways, they were very nice and I have to say that I am dying to see what they have done with the house. They have a cute little dog...her name is Pepper. Rocco wants more dogs, but Michael thinks that one is enough! But isn't she a cutie??
Gabby came with us to the block party, we brought her home from church. She said she needed to be home by 5 pm. I called Katinka and told her I would bring her home between 5 & 6 pm. Well shortly before 6 pm I gathered up Amy and Gab. The girls wanted to come with us, but I didn't have enough room in the car. Little did I know that Gab wanted to be home by 5 pm because I was the guest of honor at a Surprise Party! I felt bad then for not bringing the girls, I know they wanted to see my face! It was so beautifully decorated with my favorite colors and they all wore these beaded necklaces also in my favorite colors (blue & green). And they would take their necklace off and when they put it around my head, they said something nice to me. My one disappointment with it was that Craig was not there and did not participate in my celebration planning. Otherwise it was a very busy weekend and I didn't get hardly any studying done. So that is what I am going to do now. I will try and post the card I made for Rob a little later.
Posted by Danisha at 10:10 AM 1 comments
Labels: Birthdays
Thursday, September 4, 2008
It is September, school has started
School has started for the girls and tomorrow I have my first class. Microbiology! Hopefully it will be more like Biology then Anatomy & Physiology! I did much better in Bio then A&P. One step closer to my goal. Sarah was excited about school starting, Faith not so much. But I think both of them are ready for a change. There is only so much not doing anything a person can stand.
I don't know what happened to this post, I never posted it, so I will continue on! School HAS started for me I like the teacher, not so much my Lab Assistant Maria! When I was taking biology, she took over for my lab assistant to found a different job. Wasn't crazy about her then, and not crazy about her now!!
The girls are getting into the groove of school. Faith of course hates homework and so does Sarah at times. I guess we all did!!! Doing homework with them sometimes is painful! I was helping Faith with her homework last night as well as trying to study myself but it just seemed like every 3 min. she would ask me a question. So around 8 pm when she asked me another question I just closed my books and helped her. I don't really like studding past 9 pm if I can help it. It just doesn't seem like anything sticks, 9 PM is the witching hour for me. Plus, I get to watch my shows, LOL!! A girls has to have some down time!!!!!!!
Faith is learning how to play the trumpet, she wanted to clarinet, but there were none left at school for her to borrow, so she is doing the trumpet with a friend. Here's a video of her the day she brought it home!
Alright peeps, finally got the video uploaded to Blogger! Leave me a comment, let me know that someone is out there!! LOL
Posted by Danisha at 5:20 AM 2 comments
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Vacaton and other stuff
Posted by Danisha at 11:54 AM 0 comments
Labels: Girls