Monday, February 25, 2008

Bad news = Depression

Well, I went to the doctor today to get a perscription to help me stop smoking. After examining me he tells me that my blood pressure is dangerously high and I have to take blood pressure medication. How's that for a kick in the pants!? Not only that but he can't give the perscription to help me stop smoking untill my blood pressure is under control. So now I have to go and get a echo cardiogram, blood work, a mammogram and I am extemely depressed. The upshot to that is the medicine that he is going to give me for smoking has had great results!!! So hopefully when I go and see him next week this medication for my blood pressure will be working and he can give me the perscription to help me stop smoking. He said if I quit smoking it should help to bring my blood pressure down too, as well as loosing weight. Another positive is that I weigh less then I thought I did. So off to the gym I go tomorrow. He took a chest x-ray, I have to say I was holding my breath for that one (literally), all I could imagine him saying was that he saw some sort of mass on my lungs, that would have made my day. But that the Lord above that he didn't say anything of the sort. So Wednesday morning I will be going to the lab to get my blood work done. I already know what that is going to say, my cholesterol is going to be high and I hope that all that it will be.

This is probably the reason why I didn't go see him for 3 years. He told me I am a stroke waiting to happen. I wanted to tell him, "Tell me how it is doc, don't sugar coat anything." (with extreme sarcasm).

On another note, I got a 94 on my first A&P Exam! Yahoooooo!!! This Wednesday is the Lab Test. Have to name all the veins and arteries in the body. Bloody hell there's a lot of them. LOL. My girlfriend and I are going to the open lab tonight to study somemore on that although I have to say that at this point that is the last thing I want to do right now.

I came home today and told Craig he said aren't you glad you went to the doctor, and I said nooooooo. Ignorance is bliss, is my motto. I am sure I knew all of this before I went and it is probably the reason I have put it off for so long. I know that it is good for me to know and take control of the situation. But I have tried loosing weight before and haven't been very successful at it, what if I fail again? We will see how it goes.


Mrs. Hammer Time said...

Hey there lady,
I saw your comment on Courtney's blog and went, "Hey! I know her!" so popped over to check you out. First off, sounds like you are really doing well in school. It is annoying to have to keep trucking through, but you're doing it! And, I'll be praying for you regarding the BP and smoking... AND, I really truly VERY much get your post, "broken and bruised." I could have written that myself last year. I'm around if you need...

junglemama said...

I wish you the best. I stopped smoking over 10 years ago. IT was hard but it is possible. You will feel the benefits immediately. Just the taste of food alone will be so much more delicious to you. :)

Anonymous said...

You can do it!!!!!