Thursday, February 28, 2008

Why is it we hurt the ones we love?

I wrote this a while ago, but I thought it still fitting.

Why is it that we hurt the one we love? Is he aware how his words wound me? Does he ever feel sorry for the things that are said? Do I hurt him with what I say? I try very hard to measure my words; to watch what comes out of my mouth. I don't want to lash out with my tongue like a whip on bare flesh. I am tired of him making me dislike myself. I think I am a pretty good person. I am caring and funny, kind, loving; I also know that I am lazy, sloppy. I am not blind to my faults. But sometimes he makes me doubt myself. After the same argument, I snapped and said "Boy it must suck to live with me" and he said "Pretty much". OUCH! I know it was said in anger, but it hurt none the less and sometimes I wonder. I wonder if he truly wants to be here and if he does then, why can't he just take me like I am.

We are a busy family. He's working 50 hour weeks 60 if you include travel time. I am working part time, going to school part time, helping kids with homework (he is being more active in helping in this area since I had a mini melt down), cooking at least 3 times a week, et al. I just don't think he realizes that after all of that, I may not want to sweep or put my clean laundry away. I understand that he is a neat nick, but I am not! And apparently it drives him crazy!!!!