Friday, January 25, 2008

New Classes

Well, I have have both of my new classes. A&P II is just like I expected. You know the same type of thing just new information. Jackie, my girlfriend who is taking the class with me was all freaked out about our Lecture teacher. She was afraid she wasn't going to be able to understand her. The only problem I have with the teacher is I think she speaks to softly. I also has my ASL last night. It is Thursday nights at 7 PM to 9:45 PM. I hate being out that late. I as going to try at get into a class on Wed mornings but I kinda like this teacher. That is half the battle.

The ASL class is more learning about the colture. We have to write a 4 page paper. Which I say surprises me. But I think it will be interesting. He said something last night that surprises me. He told us that in different regions of the country some signs are different, its like they have developed a different dialect. I thought that was so strange. I figured it would all need to be standard, but just like we have slang in the speaking world, I guess the same could be said about the deaf world.

Again I am the oldest one in my class, but the people in this class seem like they will be a fun group. Lots of people for education in this class. So I might just end up staying. That's about it!!!