My dad called me yesterday about plans for our vacation. He needed to know about what we wanted to do about boat rentals. I had sat down to study but then I got on the Internet to do some research on boat rentals around Lake Texoma (this is the lake that is on the border of Oklahoma and Texas). I found the cheapest boat rental that I could find at Big Mineral Resort, Marina and Campground.

The cost for a boat that Craig can fish with was $400 for the weekend. I also rented a tube, I thought it would be fun for the girls and I to be pulled on the tube, might as well all have fun right?! Mom and dad are going to go up today to check out the place. I reserved a 3 bedroom "cabin", which turns out to be a trailer (LOL). Dad told me this morning that his friend said he would loan him his pop up, since my Aunt and Uncle weren't able to loan us their RV. I say lets use the pop up and a tent and save about $250.
I can't wait to hear from mom and dad what the place looks like. I just know that we are all going to have a great time. See this is what I love, hanging out with family, laughing and just enjoying each others company. May won't get here soon enough for me!
Sounds like fun!!!!!!!
Danisha's dad, mom, and two nieces drove about 1 & 1/2 hours to the resourt on Saturday for a look at the place. It nothing fancy but it will provide the fun we need for a short summers get-a-way.
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