Today I had class and Craig was off from work so he was home with the girls. I came home early since one of my classes was canceled. Some of their friends came over to play, after they went home our neighbor came over and Craig asked if Faith and her daughter had asked her if it was alright for Julia (friend) had asked if they could go around the block to the lake. Well to make a long story short, they had not, but said they had and that the mother had said yes. Now this is not the first time that Faith has lied and no matter what we do, she continues to do it. She was crying like crazy and I went in their to talk to her. She had
sent Sarah out with picture that she had drew for Craig. She knew she was in trouble!

I have to say, she takes after me in that respect. Now don't get me wrong, I'm NOT a pathological liar. I lie sometimes just to avoid confrontation, i.e. how much money I spent etc. I know its stupid, and I am consciously working on trying not to do that, just to face the music as it comes and if it pisses Craig off, oh well.
I have tried to tell her that if she is honest with us, that she will get in less trouble then if she lies. I just wish that she would realize that she can come to us with anything! I hope she knows that. UGHHH, why isn't there a manual?
I have asked all my friends who have good kids, kids who are responsible, kind, and who like to talk to their parents what the secret is, for some reason they refuse to give it to me. Like it the recipe for Bush's Baked Beans. LOL I think that my girls will come out alright. I just hate to see them in trouble, with tears in their eyes.
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