Thursday, April 17, 2008


Yesterday I started my bible study with the ladies at Grace. I have been looking forward to this as it has been so long since I have opened my bible, actually I had to find it before I left the house. There's a group of about 17 women who showed up and there are a wide range of ages and family situations. Married forever, married a while, newly married, divorced, single mom's, women going through divorce, a very diverse group of women. It seems to be a good mix. So we watched the intro video and I was surprised at how funny Beth Moore was, and how passionate she was for Christ. On more then one occasion she made me cry, not so much so because of what she was saying but how she was saying it; she had so much passion and I want that. I want to be passionate in my desire for the Lord. Anyway, this study has homework and I have to say never once did I think, "Yeah, just what I need more homework!" I eagerly anticipate meeting God in this study. I have no idea what He's going to do, I know it's going to involve a lot of tears because that's just who I am, but I will wait!

So today's topic was on the identity of family. We are learning about John, the beloved disciple. One of the scripture readings was about the command we are given to

"Impress them (this commandment) on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of you houses and on your gates." Deuteronomy 6:19

I want my children to be grounded in the word of God, but I find myself lacking in this area. And as their principle role model (at least at this age) I am not setting a very good example. I have always believed that God has a hand on them for some work of His, what that is I do not know but look forward to seeing it. But I need to help them grow, I need to be more focused on helping to build good character and to widen their vision. By that I mean not concentrate on what they have or don't have but to see oh so many who have so much less then they do. I know that I sometimes fall short of that. I want the latest and greatest and sometimes I feel that there's not a whole lot that I can do for others. I guess that is where I need to think and pray for something outside of the box. So that is my prayer today.

Lord, I want to see what I can do, not what I can't. Help me to see the possibilities and to close my eyes to the impossible.


Anonymous said...

Love Beth Moore!

Dick Davis said...

Danisha, Live the kind of life you desire your kids to live and upon occasion tell them why you live the way you do. Our behaviour is the silent teacher we forget about too often. Words are cheap.

I pray that God will enlarge your imagination so you may discover new ways of using your skills for the kingdom of God. RDD