Yesterday, I came home from work and went to get the girls at the bus stop. Sarah who usually comes off the bus not in the best of moods, came off swinging her backpack and she says to me.
"Mommy, I have the most fantasic recess today!" I'm asking myself what could have happend that would make her so bouncy? She then proceeded to tell me the story. She apparently was swinging and somone wanted the swing that another little boy (Terrence) wanted. So Terrence gave up his swing and went over to one that was empty next to Sarah. He started talking to her, "You know Sarah, when I act like I don't like you I am just pretending. I have always had a crush on you. Do you want to be boyfriend and girlfriend again.
She of course said yes! Faith then chimes in, "Yeah, now we both have boyfriends!" LOL
Then today, just like we had an extreme high, we had an extreme low! Sarah is allowed to ride her bike to school as of this week. We live a ways away and I really wanted Sarah to ride with some other kids. I asked her if she knew of anyone who lived close to us that was going to ride their bike. She told me the Molly, a classmate, was riding her bike. I called the mom and left a message yesterday. Molly's mom called me today and told me that Molly didn't want to ride with Sarah. Lee, Molly's mom, said there have been incidents between Sarah and Molly that she is saying, were unprovoked.
Now I know that Sarah isn't the easiest person to get along with, but I also know that since she is her own person, it has left her an easy target for being teased. Which she does not take well. But as I was telling this to Sarah, big tears welled up in her eyes, and I just wanted to smack that little girl who hurt my child's feelings. Sarah so wants friends, to be accepted and liked.
Why are kids so mean? I told Sarah that she is her own person and she should be proud of that. But does a 10 year old understand that? I hope so. My heart was breaking when I was talking to her. I pray that she finds GOOD friends who like her for who she is, someone who is genuine, kind, caring and loving.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Emotional Roller Coaster
Posted by Danisha at 9:28 PM 4 comments
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Have you ever wondered?
If you are married, have you wondered if your spouse truly loves you? I mean deep down in the marrow of their bones Loves you. I wonder sometimes if he loves me like that. I know that he would be sad if something where to happen to me, or if we ever broke up, but would he be heartbroken over loosing ME?
Do I show him how much he means to me? Does he Know that I love him with all that is in me? Is that enough for him, is there more that I can do? Do I treat him as insignificant? I don't think so, I may not tell him enough that I appreciate all that he does, but I do feel like I am more vocal about my appreciation of him then he is of me.
I just want so much more from our marriage. More communication, more laughter, more joy, more ease of spirit, more gentleness, more kindness, more respect.
Do I expect or want to much?
Do you ever wonder if there is a thing as true love? Or is it just true enough?
Posted by Danisha at 10:02 PM 1 comments
Labels: Marriage
2 Peas Challange-What is your favorite show?
Now that's a little tough. There are several that I hate to miss and can't wait to watch. Lost is one of my favs, Jericho is another and finally Hero's. Those 3 shows I can't miss. I was taking a class last semester on Mon and Wednesday nights. I went out and got a DVR just so I could record them. Craig I know thinks I watch too much TV and maybe I do, but it's usually after everyone has gone to bed and I can just sit down and relax.
Posted by Danisha at 5:46 AM 4 comments
Labels: 2 peas chalenge, TV
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Easter Traditions
Monday, April 9, 2007
Why is Raising Kids So Hard?

Posted by Danisha at 7:42 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 8, 2007
20 Activities that Light Up My Soul
Another 2 Peas Challenge
- Hearing my husband and kids laugh
- Quiet time after all have gone to bed
- Sitting in the backyard reading a book with a nice warm soft breeze
- Hearing the birds chirp, tell-tell signs of Spring
- Reading a really good book
- Visiting family
- Shopping (which I rarely do)
- Singing
- Listening to and seeing the waves crash on the beach
- Receiving a letter or a package in the mail
- A good grade on a test
- Hearing I love you from my kids and husband for no reason
- Driving in the country
- Traveling anywhere
- Having dinner with a friend
- A good song
- The smell of the cold night air when I am snuggled in my bed
- The beauty of the clean snow and how it lights up the night
- The color of the leaves in the fall
- Seeing an act of kindness being done
Posted by Danisha at 12:03 PM 3 comments
Labels: 2 peas chalenge, 20 things
Saturday, April 7, 2007

Posted by Danisha at 10:42 AM 2 comments
Labels: Vacation
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Sarah Starts Growth Hormone
My oldest daughter Sarah has Turner's Syndrome . She hasn't fallen off of the growth chart yet, but she is holding on by a thread. Now what is great about that, is that most girls her age (10 years old) who have Turners haven't been on the growth chart for a while. So my hope is that with this treatment, she will be at least 5'2.
Yesterday was our appointment to meet with the rep from Lilly to show us how to mix and administer the growth hormone, Humatrope, to Sarah. She was very excited and nervous at the same time. I was watching Julia, since all the girls are off from school, so whole brood came with me.
Posted by Danisha at 11:16 PM 2 comments
Labels: Growth Hormone, Sarah