May 9th is my last day of school, I CAN NOT wait! I had last week off, the girls had their spring break and I have to say I loved, not having to run around like a crazy woman, but I am back to it this week. I have a test today in A&P Lab (my last one) a quiz in lecture and then tomorrow I have to sign a song in ASL. Now I was supposed to be working with this girl Ashley. She asked last week if I would do it with her but she hasn't called or emailed me back so I don't know what to think. I guess I should just learn the whole song just in case. This is what my kitchen table usually looks like during school. I am applying for a scholarship for next year, I am hoping that I get it. I have to write a little something to go along with the application and it is due on Thursday. So I guess I should get to it.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
School is almost over again
Posted by Danisha at 6:23 AM 1 comments
Labels: School
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Blue Skies
The girls are off this week and I have been wanting to paint Sarah's room for some time now. But I hate to paint, and I really hate to paint by myself. So I asked my friend Katinka (who likes to paint) if she would mind coming by and helping me. So between her schedule and mine (I still have classes) we picked yesterday. She came about 8:30 am with all the rollers and trimmers and I had the paint. We painted the walls within a couple of hours and it looks fantastic!! I forgot to get before pictures but here are a couple of after.
Posted by Danisha at 7:10 AM 3 comments
Labels: Sarah
Sunday, April 20, 2008
What we did today
Posted by Danisha at 7:28 PM 3 comments
Labels: Family
Saturday, April 19, 2008
ASL Class
I did my ASL Autobiograpy last week, boy it was nerve wracking. Now in two weeks I have to sign a song. I was thinking about just finding one on the internet and using that, but I decided that if I don't do the work I won't learn as much. But I love this song and I love the way it is signed. So I thought I would post it to my blog. The song is Beautiful by Christina Agulara. Enjoy!
Posted by Danisha at 6:03 PM 0 comments
Another thing I like about our house is our backyard. It is pretty big, at least to me it is, and I love the pond that Craig put in about a 8 months after we moved in. He has always wanted a pond in the backyard. He wanted to put one in the house we had in Asbury Park, but the yard wasn't big enough for two kids let alone a pond. Last year we bought 4 small Koi. It was all we could afford HA! But I have to say it is very peaceful and relaxing just to go out there and sit on the bench and watch the fish swim around and hear the sounds of the waterfall. It's not the best picture, but you get the point.
Posted by Danisha at 5:23 PM 2 comments
Labels: Favorites
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Yesterday I started my bible study with the ladies at Grace. I have been looking forward to this as it has been so long since I have opened my bible, actually I had to find it before I left the house. There's a group of about 17 women who showed up and there are a wide range of ages and family situations. Married forever, married a while, newly married, divorced, single mom's, women going through divorce, a very diverse group of women. It seems to be a good mix. So we watched the intro video and I was surprised at how funny Beth Moore was, and how passionate she was for Christ. On more then one occasion she made me cry, not so much so because of what she was saying but how she was saying it; she had so much passion and I want that. I want to be passionate in my desire for the Lord. Anyway, this study has homework and I have to say never once did I think, "Yeah, just what I need more homework!" I eagerly anticipate meeting God in this study. I have no idea what He's going to do, I know it's going to involve a lot of tears because that's just who I am, but I will wait!
So today's topic was on the identity of family. We are learning about John, the beloved disciple. One of the scripture readings was about the command we are given to
"Impress them (this commandment) on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of you houses and on your gates." Deuteronomy 6:19
I want my children to be grounded in the word of God, but I find myself lacking in this area. And as their principle role model (at least at this age) I am not setting a very good example. I have always believed that God has a hand on them for some work of His, what that is I do not know but look forward to seeing it. But I need to help them grow, I need to be more focused on helping to build good character and to widen their vision. By that I mean not concentrate on what they have or don't have but to see oh so many who have so much less then they do. I know that I sometimes fall short of that. I want the latest and greatest and sometimes I feel that there's not a whole lot that I can do for others. I guess that is where I need to think and pray for something outside of the box. So that is my prayer today.
Lord, I want to see what I can do, not what I can't. Help me to see the possibilities and to close my eyes to the impossible.
Posted by Danisha at 6:15 AM 2 comments
Labels: Bible Study
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
I know a couple who has adopted a few children. Now this in and of itself is not very perculiar but that they have adopted 4 and have 5 of their own with another on the way, some would say they are strange or fanatical. In the beginning I thought it strange that they would have so many children. But they have such a love and tender heart for children that sometimes they inspire me. I have to say I haven't seen a happier family, with good values who are not only thriving but living life to the fullest. I not only admire them but I envy them in a way.
I have always wanted to adopt! Even before I had kids I always thought that I would adopt at least one child. It just seems like it is the right thing to do. Now I mentioned having another child the other night (I think I feel by biological clock ticking, LOL) and Craig asks how we could afford it, what do I say to that??? What I want to say is we just do, we rely on God to take care of us, like we would the child we would bring into our family. In reading my friends blog I realize there is a whole cyber community of people who's life mission is to save a child from not knowing what it means to me loved and cared for by a family. This community has supported each other in prayer, encouragement, giving emotional support and financially. It is almost like the church in Acts where everything was shared.
So I don't know where I am going with this, but my desire is to help a child, to give a child a family. I want them to know they are loved and desired and a gift. I guess for right now I will have to live vicariously through my friends. For now, but who knows how God will work this out.
Posted by Danisha at 6:15 AM 4 comments
Labels: Adoption
Sunday, April 13, 2008
I hope she is okay
Criag, Sarah and I were sitting around the dinner table tonight and Sarah was talking about a child in the nursery today (she was helping out). This was a child who had Downs Syndrome and that led to us talking about her Turner's Syndrome. Craig had mentioned how in the scheme of things, Sarah's TS is hardly noticeable. She had questions about some of the characteristics of girls with TS. I had my laptop open so we searched the web and saw some pictures as well as reading a post from a woman who is now 50 years old and found out she had Turners when she was 16 years old.
Sarah left after we read the post. I often wonder what she thinks about when that subject comes up. She seems to be fine with it and that's great, but I hope that she knows that it is okay to not feel not alright. I had a meeting with her teachers last week and one of the guidance counselors were there and said that there was another girl in school who also has TS. She is going to contact the mom and see if she would be alright with talking to me and maybe having the girls meet. I think that would be great! Sometimes I think that Sarah feels very isolated when it comes to that. I am also going to try and get some information in the TS Society here in NJ. I think it will be beneficial to Sarah now that she is a little older. I know it sounds kind of selfish, but I think I have put this off because it will be just another thing that I have to do. But I guess it is something I have to do...... for Sarah. I want her to grow up to be well adjusted and feeling okay about herself, its something I don't think that I felt and it led me to all sorts of bad places.
Posted by Danisha at 7:56 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 6, 2008
True Love
My mom called me a couple of weeks ago and told me that my Great Aunt Opal Ruth died. Now, even though this wasn't a complete shocker, I was deeply saddened. She was a great woman and role model. She was always so pleasant and nice and always had a smile on her face whenever I saw her. She left behind a daughter, Renee, a grandson, Tim and a great grand-daughter Heather, and a husband of many, many years Fritz. I have to say that out of all of these people in her immediate family I am most saddened for Fritz. Never have I seen two people love each other more. It was so plain that there wasn't anyone else they would rather be with then each other. I admire that and only wish that my marriage was like that although I haven't seen that in to many marriages.
Posted by Danisha at 2:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: Death, Fritz Opal